I LOVE MY WIFE.......I have to say this before I begin typing anything more.....it is Wednesday night here in Delhi....and I will be heading home in 4 days....I LOVE YOU SWEETIE....yes I have missed her terribly.......64 days apart.....I think this is the longest time we have ever been apart in 22 years.......it will be 68 days by the time I land.....ONLY 4 DAYS!
Writing about setting up a house...even in India.....is boring! Nothing new.....nothing exciting.......I did learn/verify one thing though.....FURNITURE SHOPPING is just as frustrating 13,000 miles apart as it is 2 feet apart.
But not because of Linda....she was great...truly. Just too many choices.......but some really interesting stuff....if your name is GEORGE JETSON.......very modern stuff...beds that are only inches off the floor......when our bed is so high at home Linda almost needs a ladder to climb in......but we did our best didn't we sweetie.....936 pictures of couches and beds and chairs and beds and couches and chairs and couches and sofas and tables and chairs and rugs and chairs.
But finally it gets delivered Friday and Saturday; they say it will be delivered at 1:30pm.....but it's India....that means anytime between 1:30pm Friday.....and 1:30pm Saturday......
New Refrigerator (anxiously awaiting the suitcase full of Reese's Peanut Butter Cups I'm bringing back).....a water purifier, washing machine and dryer, a microwave, a TV, 4 heaters(no central heat), a dining table because you don't eat in the kitchen, living room seating area, TV room/Den seating, three beds and six nightstands...and mattresses.
Now there is something exciting to talk about...mattresses....they are only 4 inches thick/thin.....but I haven't had a backache since I have been in India......nothing to compare them to in the states.....Linda and Preston, even though I chose one of the traditional Indian mattresses for our room, there are two spring mattresses like home.
And we still have things to purchase......kitchen stuff, window treatments, artwork, lamps, rugs and groceries.....I just don't have time to do everything before I leave. I want everything to be nice for you and Preston when you arrive.....I got to stay in a 5 star hotel.....I want this to be special for you. We have our own elevator/lift...isn't that cool....and a backup generator for when the electricity goes off.....I didn't mention the bicycle I am purchasing for Hiralal, who will be cooking for us......stuffed bangain.....yummy.....oh, and I forgot to mention, the stove runs off propane gas......but they deliver, and so does RED MOON BAKERY, started by a CANADIAN couple......check out their website: http://redmoonbakery.net ....oh and the vegetable man that comes with his cart EVERYDAY full of fresh produce...
Setting up house.....wanting everything to be just right......is not easy.....I LOVE YOU BABE.......I MISS YOU.......this place needs your touch to make it "comfortable" and warm and cozy.....just like you have made every place we have lived...HOME!
This is it.....where we will be spending the next few years of our lives......the area of town we will be living in is called VASANT VIHAR......it's a great location for us.....convenient to my new office in Gurgaon and The American Embassy School where Preston will be. This is a three story building.....our apartment or FLAT, is all on the top floor which is really the second floor......Yes...I said it is a 3 story building...we live on the TOP Floor which is the 2nd floor....Confused?........this is India....I need not say anymore. But you will have to get used to things like that.
It needs the Linda touch! The Linda feel! It needs a wreath on the door.....It's empty now.....but it will soon come to life.....but it really does need you to breathe life into it. An empty shell as of Wednesday December 3, 2008.....by Sunday you will see some changes...all of you must keep following the blog and watch the transformation as we make our new home in India.
I can't wait to see everyone.....only 4 days.....but, I can't wait to get back to India either....this is when it will truly begin.... OUR INDIA ADVENTURE......