Wednesday, November 14, 2012


“IT’s INDIA”…………
These two words are used very often to describe the “indescribable” things that make India the unique place it is to live. It is the catch phrase to explain the “unexplainable” things you see, what people do, and how things are done. I have heard it used in business, government, at conferences, in my office and in my home…….and I have used it several times myself on various occasions…….the words roll easily, perhaps too easily, off the tongues of everyone in the country. More often than not it is used situations and circumstances where there is a “fine line”…….good vs. evil, right vs. wrong, ethical vs. unethical, professional vs. unprofessional……….you get the point!
On October 28, 2012, after traveling a short distance from my home, I came to stop at the intersection and surveyed the traffic situation in both directions……since I was turning left I naturally glanced to my right first to check the oncoming traffic and when I glanced to the left I noticed a “mahout” and his elephant making their way down the opposite side of the road.
Elephants are a normal sight throughout India, and it was not uncommon for me to see them, but as it crossed in front of me, I noticed something that I had never seen before, and I seriously could not believe my eyes…..
As usual, I had my camera and I shot a quick photograph while I was driving, but I wasn’t convinced that the shot was clear enough, so I quickly deviated off my original plan and drove past the elephant and parked my car.

With camera in hand I waited patiently on the side of the road for the lumbering elephant and the mahout to make their way towards me……..
When they reached I confirmed that this elephant was being used as a walking advertisement for a company that I had never heard of…….a “global” company at that…… I had never seen such a thing……clever, perhaps……but it raised many questions in my mind…..

I have to admit, I did not think about “abuse” at that point…….my pondering thoughts were more logistical in nature……
“Who thought of this?”……….”Was it for a special event/promotion?”………..”How much did the mahout get paid for allowing his elephant to be painted?”………..”What kind of company is this…..what do they do or sell?”………….”How much exposure will they get from a promotion like this?”……..”Is this the right image for their product or services?”
While I snapped, the mahout, who obviously did not speak English, smiled and with sign language asked me if I wanted to ride……..I waved him off and shook my head and snapped a few more shots and returned to my car…….and recall saying out loud to myself…….”Only in India!”

As I was buckling the seat belt I watched the elephant reaching up into nearby tree for something to eat and then made my way back on the road.
It wasn’t until this afternoon that these photographs along with many others got downloaded from my camera. While organizing and editing them, I recalled this incident and decided to share my encounter with you and to perhaps get your views on “animal advertising”.

I also did some research on Opus India and RK Global…….turns out that OPUS India is a subsidiary of Opus Media Group UK who with an alliance with RK Global is expanding their presence in India.
RK Global is an Indian financial brokerage firm with services ranging from Equities, Derivatives, Commodities, Currency, Depository, IPO Distribution, Mutual Fund Distribution and Consultancy.

A “Google” search brought me to the headlines boasting an event that was attended by Anil Kapoor, a famous Bollywood actor during the launch of the F1 Opus, a luxury publication documenting the sport of Formula 1 Racing.
It seems that the event took place on October 26, 2012 at the Oberoi Hotel in New Delhi………and two days later the lumbering giant with a logo painted on his side found his way into my south Delhi neighborhood……for a breakfast of fresh leaves!
When you click on the link above, the writer at the Times of India described Opus Media UK in the following way…..
“The Opus Media Group, from the UK, is known for producing luxury publications that present never-before-seen matter using beautiful photographs and text.”
Well I would say that Opus Media lived up to her words by creating a “never-before-seen-matter” situation for me to discover!

Right or wrong? Exploitative or not? Animal abuse or creative advertising?
“IT’s INDIA”……….I guess!
Please post your comments…….I would love to get your thoughts on this subject.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

"How Sweet It Is"

The four words, "How Sweet It Is", was a trademark phrase used by the legendary American actor and comedian, Jackie Gleason.
Promotional photo of a young Jackie Gleason

Through my childhood, I remember Gleason most as Ralph Kramden, the main character in television show called "The Honeymooners". Many of you may remember him also........however, if you are just hearing about him for the first time, please do some research. He had a very illustrious career.

He popularized this phrase so well during his lifetime, that it is still used today as a "Welcome to Brooklyn, New York", the city that Gleason was born in.

Street Signage welcoming drivers into Brooklyn New York

"How Sweet It Is", is also the title to a popular song by James Taylor (1979), that he had done as a cover song to the original version performed by Marvin Gaye, whose version  sold 900,000 copies in 1964.

"How Sweet It Is" - James Taylor

Sorry to disappoint you, but this blog entry is about neither of the above.........this blog is about my recent experience with freshly squeezed sugar cane juice on a roadside near Shirdi, India, the town most noted for the Sai Baba Temple..........oh sweet it is!

Here's the story..........................

My colleagues and I got an early start Sunday a week ago, and began our day by visiting the Sai Baba Temple......followed by a brief return to the hotel for me to grab my camera (as they are not allowed within the Sai Baba grounds), before heading out to visit the other famous temple in the Shirdi area, the Shani Temple at Shignapur.

The journey from Shirdi  to Shignapur is approximately 50 kilometers or so, and as we made the turn off of the busy main highway, it was hard not to notice all of the sugar cane juice "dhabba's" lining both sides of the road.

Sugar cane juice is a very popular beverage throughout India.......vendors can be found year round in just about all parts of the country selling this simple drink....... occasionally in our neighborhood,  one can find vendors squeezing this sweet liquid from the cane using a "hand cranking device" mounted to their mobile cart.

At more established roadside spots in the city, the sugar juice is squeezed into glasses using a motorized version of the hand cranking over sized mechanical device made of of pulley's, gears, belts and a noisy motor, huffing, puffing and chugging along to produce the sweet liquid drop by by glass.

But the juice makers (all farmers I am told) along this stretch of road in rural India had a unique method for producing the sweet beverage.....and one after the other, side by side.....they were competing against each other to sell their product to the thousands of visitors making their way to and from the temple.

Most were located under the shade of massive trees........with scattered plastic chairs for their patrons to relax in and enjoy and swings made of rope and tires for children to entertain themselves.
For those without natural shade, tarps were strung in various ways from tree tops and bamboo stakes........while others had created more formal establishments made of brick, mortar and concrete. But all had one thing in common.......the unusual method used to squeeze the juice from the cane.

Anxious to reach the temple, I did not suggest we stop, but I knew that on the way back, there was not only the promise of a refreshing beverage waiting for me, but also a great opportunity to take some photographs of this unique way of creating the juice and share the experience with all of you!

So what is this unique method I have been not been revealing until now?

Meet Sony..........the bullock who was the key participant in creating sugar cane juice in this part of India. Throughout the day, Sony remains strapped to a hand carved wooden crank that turns two hand carved logs with gears, that squeeze the juice from the cane fed by the "juice man"!

Sony.......up close and personal.......don't pay attention to the didn't make it into the container!

If there is one common thread that connects all of India, it is "ingenuity". I see it everywhere throughout the country, and this is a perfect example that highlights what I see during my travels. This juice cart is a prime example of  my newly coined phrase, "Indiagenuity"!

Sony and his juice making machine

On Sunday......when the farmers are not working their fields along with their bullocks, they have a leisurely day at the roadside, sitting and waiting for passersby to stop, have conversation and perhaps renew an old acquaintance or make new sweet glass of juice at a time.

Raw Cane waiting to be crushed and made into a delicious beverage
 As we drove down the road, I was looking for one of the establishments to make the bold claim  that they were the "original", but I couldn't find one! Undoubtedly, if this discovery was made in the U.S., someone would have surely made such a claim!

Second pass
 While I did not count, I would not be exaggerating if there were at least 50 such places to stop and get juice......I will be making an upcoming trip and I will take a detour to not only count, but to have another glass of this wonderful drink.
The cane gets fed through the machine about 4 times!
With such stiff competition, vendors used creative methods to catch the eyes of passers by......there were the boring traditional methods such as signage and flags that would flutter with the wind, but those more creative decorated their main attraction, the bullock, in some unique way.
The fresh juice being collected in a not so clean container! Who cares about hygienic conditions?
While Sony is surely a handsome specimen, some of the bullocks were decorated with garlands, some had hats,and like Sony, their horns were painted in bright colors; red, blue yellow orange, etc.

Even after a very tiring week in the fields, most bullocks were standing at attention waiting to make their rounds and squeeze some cane, yet others used their time at the juice dhabba to take rest......obviously, who would want to stop at a juice dhabba that had a resting bullock????????

Lazy bullock across the street! No business!

Are you curious about what a glass/cup of this freshly squeezed, marvelous beverage costs? Take a guess....go close your eyes!......oops, that doesn't work because you have to read.

Did you guess 15 rupees? Perhaps not if you were from a big city like Delhi or Mumbai............yes, I was a bargain........and so very yummy!.......and for my readers in the US, it is the equivalent of about $0.30........thirty cents! Actually less at today's conversion rate. So fly on over for a glass!

The "Juice Man"
 I wish I had more time to research.......who started this trend, who designed these juice machines, how long has this tradition been in practice........
I grew up in state which produces 20% of the sugarcane grown in the United States. Louisiana has more that 420,000 acres of land under cultivation that produces 13 million tons of cane with an economic impact to the state of 2.2 billion US dollars. I have driven past miles of sugarcane fields, but back home, freshly squeezed sugarcane juice is not popular.......I'm not sure why because it sure is good!

Doesn't that look yummy? All fresh, no preservatives or artificial coloring!
 However impressive, Louisiana's sugarcane production pales in comparison to India, the worlds second largest producer of sugarcane and recovered sugar!
Notice how the cart is partially buried and weighted with rocks to keep the bullock from overturning it!
I would not mind introducing my fellow Louisiana brethren to this delicious beverage if I could find a way to have one of these juice carts dismantled and shipped back to the US. It sure would be fun and I am sure I could get more than $0.30 cents per glass!


"How Sweet It Is".............

Friday, October 26, 2012

Feeling Like a Celebrity!

Every now and then, something happens in your life that makes you feel special! Don't you agree?

I am sure that all of you reading this blog post have had similar experiences, when someone or some circumstance has made you feel super important!

Well my family and I are far from celebrities........and as a matter of fact, we are very humble people.......just regular people living their lives as normally as we can............just like everyone else.

The other day, I registered my blog on a site called "".......and a few days later i received a nice request from the editor of the site asking if I would be willing to conduct a written interview about our experiences as an "expat" in India.

I agreed and within a few hours were sent a series of questions........sent in my answers along with a few photographs that were requested "voila" article gets published for all to makes you feel kind of special!

Here is the link in case any of you are interested........and for those of you who click on this link, I would greatly appreciate it if you would navigate to my blog on the site and leave a few kind words.

There is an Expat Blogging Contest taking place, and if you have enjoyed what I write and find my blog worthy, I would appreciate a vote for me......and of course any other blog that you may find worthy as well.

Happy reading.......and please leave a comment....or two......or three!

I hope you enjoy.......and please....leave a comment!


Monday, October 22, 2012

Patience? Yes......but I Snapped!

I travel.......alot!.......I travel approximately 25 days per month.......but I'm not complaining.

To say that I thoroughly enjoy my an understatement.......I truly love what I do.

As a result of so much traveling, I have become a bit of an out of a suitcase and navigating security at airports.

Obviously.........I travel internationally as well.........not often, mainly to go home twice yearly to visit family.....and the occasional business trip, but mainly my extensive traveling is done domestically in India.

If there is one thing I have noticed about India and airport security is that they are "consistent"......yes......that was sarcastic!

However, I am not going to divulge any top secret security measures in this blog........I just want to share with you one experience that tested my patience the other day.........a rather long day at that!

Let me preface this again by stating that in the past 4.5 years I have traveled hundreds of thousands of miles/kilometers both internationally and domestically. These travels have taken me through some of the toughest airport security systems throughout the world.

I have removed my shoes, my belt, my watch........I have removed all electronic items from my briefcase, I have removed my laptop from its case, and on and on.

I have been "wanded" God knows how many times and I have even been through the "controversial" body scanning units that reveal secrets that may shock "Victoria".

But in all my travels I have never been asked if my camera was "real".......

So after a long day.......and having been asked the question......I SNAPPED....literally!

I just thought I would show you what it looks like when I have reached the end of my patience!

I remain a very patient man......and I was of course very polite during my interaction with him......and I greatly appreciate them screening so thoroughly and keeping me safe in the air.........but yes, I did show him that my camera was real!


Wednesday, October 17, 2012

"Indy" turns 4 years old.......How many years is that in Human Years?

I grew up in the US............not on the metric system like all other parts of the world.

When I moved to India, the ounces I was familiar with were replaced with "ml's", pounds were replaced by "kg's", and dollars were replaced with "Rs.".......

Converting everything from one to the other is something that I had to adjust too........but honestly, I still rely on the familiarity of the weights and measures and currency system I grew up with.

I have gotten quick at calculating in both currencies...............certainly not an expert, but I can navigate back and forth more easily now that when I first moved here............but it all doesn't seem "real".

It's hard to explain............100 Rs. doesn't seem like $2.00 USD...........and 95 kg doesn't seem like 210 lbs.......

So what does all of this have to do with "Indy" our Toyota Innova turning 4 years old?

Going Strong at 100,000 kilometers
  Just the other day, on my way to work, Ramesh, our faithful driver, proudly pointed out that the odometer on the car just turned 100,000 km.

Wow.....a milestone. So I asked him to slow down so that I had time to pull out my camera and take two quick photographs of the display panel.

That quickly led to a discussion.............."how many miles" is 100,000 kilometers?

It made me reminisce about a time when I was growing up and as children we would go around converting dogs ages into Human years.

It has always been commonly believed that each year of a dogs life is equivalent to 7 in human years......but this isn't quite accurate......many factors go into determining a dogs age and it varies by breed.

So Ramesh and I started to try and calculate how many "miles"..........and the banter started back and forth about how many kilometers in a mile.......I was doing division in my head...............back and forth......but I knew one day I would have a little time and I would find out the accurate answer.

For you math whiz have probably already calculated it.......for me, it took several find a converter on the Internet and let it to the calculations for me.

100000km = 62137 miles, 1640 yards, 1 foot, 8 inches

Yes......can you believe it............I was close in my calculations.......I proudly told Ramesh the answer and I was only off by 10 yards.................NOT!

"Indy" has been a great car............for his birthday he got his check up, fresh fluids.......oil and such and he got a new set of brake pads.....his original ones were becoming a little squeaky.

He got an early birthday present around 90,000km.....a new set of tires......

He is getting "old" though.......a warning light has popped up intermittently for the "safety restraint" system......sometimes it is on....sometimes it goes out......we took indi to the shop and the technician stated that there was nothing wrong except they would replace a wire for 15,000 Rs.......thats almost $300 USD.....I told Ramesh........thanks but no thanks!

Check out the "Safety Restraint" light illuminated and almost out of fuel!
 But what I can't believe is that we only put an average of 25,000 kilometers (15534 miles, 460 yards, 1 foot ,11 inches) per year on Indy....... our cars in the US have very high mileage. This is extremely low in comparison.

When we first got Indy, Ramesh and I took him to the pundit who performed a "puja" hardly seems like that was 4 years ago.........if you want to read the blog entry......see the archives for 2008 and the posting was done on November 9th. It was one of my early blog postings and received many page views.

So....for those readers back in the old is your car in Human years.......or how many kilometers does your car have vs. miles...............

Practice those never know, tomorrow you may find yourself on your own adventure someplace in this world!


Thursday, October 4, 2012

Lungta Flag Shop - and John Keats

Over two years ago during a small break to the city of Mussoorie in the northern part of India, I discovered a Buddhist village on a morning walk.

It was my first time to see prayer flags gently blowing in the wind and the site was one of amazement and beauty. I had written a blog post about the experience in which I described the meaning behind the flags, but often wondered about who and how they were made.

Check out my Blog archive written on October 19, 2009.

Several months ago, on a trip to Gangtok, in far northwest India, the answer to my question was answered.

So I thought I would give you an insiders look to the people behind the scenes.......

Gangtok is a delightful little city that is blessed with clear skies, a rarity in Delhi and in most major cities in India. While walking to my destination, I noticed a sign for the Lungta Flag Shop......with an arrow directing customers to use the stairs to the second floor.
Now keep in mind that Gangtok is in the mountainous region of the lower Himalaya's and most buildings are built on the slope of the mountains, so it was an oddity that while at street level I was actually descending a stairwell to reach the second floor of the building.
The pathway was dark and the surroundings were pitch electricity...and a stark contrast to the brightness of the day. Even after allowing my eyes time to adjust to the darkness..........there was no light in site......and I was forced to use the dim light of my mobile phone to navigate the dark corridor.

Needless to was a bit descending into the underworld......but I was up for the adventure.
I finally found the shop and made my way inside, armed only with English and not able to speak the local language...........but in such situations, a smile  breaks such barriers of communication.

The shop was lights, except from the window at the far end......using the outside light, two ladies sat behind sewing machines that required no electricity and the continued to work throughout my visit.

I have seen such sewing machines in antique shops in the US............long past their prime and cast aside decades earlier after being replaced with more modern machines that required electricity............yet hear in India, machines like these are common and many make their livelihoods pedaling away for hours upon hours.

The shop walls were filled from floor to ceiling with material printed with all colors, and were a stark contrast to the dingy walls behind.

After I took my photographs, I thanked the shopkeeper and her staff and made my way back into the dark hallway and back up to sunshine.

I have to admit, two years ago my imagination ran wild with thoughts of Buddhist monks sitting in a quiet monastery in some remote location hand sewing the flags before they were bestowed upon villagers for hanging in outside locations to put their prayers forward to be carried by the wind.

I found the following quote and I believe that it is quite fitting considering what I have written:

             “My imagination is a monastery, and I am its monk”
              ― John Keats

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Economist - Why do I love living in India?

I came across an interesting article today that I thought I would share with all of you.....and yet another interesting fact about India, my adopted homeland .......and I have found yet another reason why I enjoy living in India and am so fond of the country.

I am not sure what many of you will gather from this, but I can assure you that it made me realize that there are several places in the world that I wouldn't want to live in.....

I never thought that I would be influenced because of the price of a 500ml bottle of beer!

Here are the stats!

Daily chart

Thirsty work

Sep 24th 2012, 16:04 by The Economist online
How long does it take to afford a beer?
ON SEPTEMBER 22nd, the beer started flowing at Oktoberfest in Munich, an annual Bavarian beer festival which confusingly begins at the end of September. Last year, over the course of the 16-day event, visitors glugged 7.5m litres of beer, sold at an average princely price of €9 ($12.50) a litre, which is what a typical large stein holds. Germans love beer and down around 100 litres per person a year. Away from the Oktoberfest beer is readily affordable. Analysts at UBS, a Swiss bank, have calculated that it takes a German earning the national median wage just under seven minutes of work to purchase half a litre of beer at a retail outlet. At the bottom of the pint glass, low wages and high taxes mean that boozers in India must toil for nearly an hour before they have earned enough to quench their thirst.
Now here are some additional things to ponder......China and Nigeria have the lowest prices for a 500ml beer........I have been to China, but the beers I consumed were not cheap! I was obviously in the wrong place..............and Nigeria........not tops on my places in the world that i would want to live in.
Japan......$4.15 USD for the average price of a beer..........No Thank You......I'm not sure if i even want to visit the country!
Australia.......I have a friend from Australia........he drinks beer like a is a good thing for his wallet that he lived in the USA, because at $3.70 USD per beer down under he would have never been able to afford his beer tab! He would have had to take a second mortgage out on his certainly is an eye opener for me I have a completely different perspective regarding "Beer and Barbie"!!...It is not a casual thing but almost the price of a gourmet meal with champagne!
Britain, Spain, Canada - All over $3.00 USD............nice places....but unless I got a substantial increase in salary, or stopped drinking beer altogether............I wouldn't want to live there.
ARGENTINA - out of all the places on the list...........the price is reasonable..........less than the USA's average price........and they have great wines also..............has potential
So next time you are asked......"If you could live anyplace you wanted to in the world, where would you choose?"..........what would your answer be?

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Khyber Mountain Resort & Spa - Gulmarg, Kashmir, India

We are getting close..........very the opening of what I consider to be the finest hotel in the Himalayan region - Khyber Mountain Resort & Spa.

Khyber Mountain Resort Exterior in Winter
For the past three years I have been making trips to Kashmir to see the resort rise from its foundation to what it is today.......and in just 3 short months we will be launching this magnificent project for the world to enjoy.

My first trip to Gulmarg is unforgettable simply for the reason that when I stepped onto the property for the first time, I immediately understood how special "this place"........the hotel and Gulmarg truly was more than I ever imagined, and as a hotelier, the opportunity to be part of such a special project had my mind racing as to its potential.

Towering Trees and Fresh Crisp Air Winter
The setting was idyllic.........perched in the foothills of the Himalayas, with commanding views of the white capped peaks........surrounded by towering trees and the lobby overlooking a beautiful lush green valley, and perfectly located next to the area’s most world notable attractions.....the tallest Gondola in the world and a Golf Course at the highest elevation in the world……the location is a dream!

Lovely Scent of Pine in the Summer Air
I have literally watched Khyber Mountain Resort & Spa come to life.........and on this most recent visit, I am finally able to see past the construction and witnessed for the first time the hotels "personality" coming through.

Kashmir is an area of India notable for many things; saffron production, pashmina's, cashmere wool, some of the finest handmade carpets, kawah tea (more later), and papier-mâché and hand carved items from some of the most beautiful walnut wood.

Hand Carved Wooden Ceiling in Lobby Tea Lounge

Not surprisingly, the architect and interior designer along with the vision of the owner have done a remarkable job to incorporate all things that make Kashmir special into the look and feel of the hotel. The attention to detail and Kashmiri influence can be seen throughout the resort and in its guestrooms.

Wall Sconce in Guestroom Corridor - Hand Painted Papier-Mâché over Copper
So I thought I would provide you with some pre opening peeks into what is taking place right now as we begin to breathe life into this magnificent hotel.

Khyber Mountain Resort & Spa Exterior work  under way
There is no doubt that at the end of the short drive from Srinagar, we will be greeting each guest with a nice warm offering of Kawah Tea........while I am not much of a "chai man", this tea is one of the most delicious warm drinks I have ever tasted. It is made with the following ingredients; saffron, cinnamon, cardamom, sugar and noon chai leaves. Slivers of fresh almond are placed in the tea just before serving. The result of this infusion of flavors is simply one of the most amazing creations from this region of the world......yum!

Warm Cup of Kawah Tea Upon Arrival

As our guests walk into the cathedral like lobby, they will be standing under the hand painted papier-mâché ceiling that was most recently installed in the reception area of the lobby.......yes, hand painted.......and while my photographs simply cannot do justice to this beautiful work of art, once the lighting is complete and the construction dust is removed, the ceiling will truly provide the perfect setting for our guests to be welcomed.

Hand Painted Papier-Mâché over Carved Wood Ceiling in Lobby
At the opposite end of the lobby is the Tea Lounge with its magnificent views of the mountain peaks and the valley.......whether the valley is covered in a blanket of fresh white snow or during spring and summer when the lush green carpet is laced with the various colors of the natural flowers that grow during these times of the year, I envision guests just enjoying the view for hours at a time.......enjoying a cup of Kawah made and served in an authentic Samovar.

Authentic Kashmiri Samovar for serving Kawah

A samovar is a traditional Kashmiri kettle used to brew, boil and serve tea. Kashmiri samovars are made of copperware with engraved or embossed calligraphic motifs. Inside a samovar there is a fire-container in which charcoal and live coals are placed. Around the fire-container there is a space for water to boil. Tea leaves, sugar, cardamom, and cinnamon are put into the water and the result is simply indescribable.

View from Lobby Tea Lounge - Summer
On the left side of the lobby is the main restaurant.......and on the right is the Hookah and Cigar Bar............upstairs just over the tea lounge is a covered open air gallery, a one of a kind for Kashmir, and a place to be enjoyed all year long by our guests. In winters, our guests can enjoy watching the falling snow and the skiers and snowboarders make their way down the slopes.........a billiards room is also on the same level.

View from Lobby Tea Lounge - Winter
The resort is indoor swimming pool with floor to ceiling windows offering some of the most breathtaking views one could imagine......picture yourself in winter, swimming in a nice heated pool while just outside snow is falling and the temperature are minus 10 Celsius or lower.
Then take a moment to relax in the areas world class spa.....with treatments designed to help you relax or rejuvenate after skiing, trekking, sledging, yoga, fishing, ice skating, white water rafting, horseback riding, a work out in the fully equipped fitness center or simply after taking a ride on the world’s tallest gondola to take in the views of the Himalaya's.

Sledging in Gulmarg - Winter Activity
Khyber Mountain Resort & Spa has left nothing to chance. Multiple places for Food and Beverages, outdoor activities year round and a fully equipped and staffed children’s activity center to keep young guests and teens alike entertained while parents enjoy other areas of the resort. There is even a movie theater that will show past and current favorites throughout the day and evenings. An amphitheatre, tiered gardens, relaxing terraces, outdoor dining areas, indoor and outdoor banqueting spaces, and on and on!

Guestrooms? Yes............the finest...........the only.....ONLY resort in the area at which customers can control the temperature of their rooms with central heat and air. Trust me, while this may seem like a "standard" for hotels throughout the is not so for this area of the world......relax in an oversized tub......maybe a bubble bath with scented bath salts while enjoying the breathtaking views just outside the window.

View from Relaxing Soaking Tub - Winter
Deluxe Rooms with balconies that can be enjoyed all year round....the perfect place to enjoy a private breakfast while taking in the gorgeous view or just enjoying the fresh, crisp scented air of the pine trees. Private cottages with multiple bedrooms.......kitchens for those who travel with their own chef or perhaps you would like to have us provide a chef for you to cook customized dishes for you and your family and friends........anything can be arranged.

Khyber Mountain Resort & Spa - Deluxe Balcony Room - Summer
More?.........yes I will be writing more about Khyber Mountain Resort & Spa over the next few months.......and I will share more photographs with you as I take you through the "unveiling" of this truly world class resort in one of the most remarkable and beautiful places on earth!

View From Balcony of Delue Room - Winter
For inquiries and reservations, please do not hesitate to leave a comment........I will be quick to respond.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Car Games - INDIA GPS

I grew up playing games on long car drives.......the tradition carried on by playing them with my sons as they were growing up during long trips by road to visit family or when we travelled on games are meant to keep trips from becoming boring and to keep young minds from asking "ARE WE THERE YET?" or "HOW MUCH LONGER?"

I was recently on a trip in south India where I found myself playing a new car game specifically to be played only in India......during a journey to four cities by road............Bangalore - Yercaud - Mahabalipuram - Chennai.......I have named the game.......INDIA GPS

I almost missed him....this is when I got the idea
  Throughout the world, GPS is the abbreviation for Global Positioning System, but in India......GPS stands for Gurpreet, Pranav, and Sanjay.......or any other Indian names starting with the letters G,P and/or see, in India, the way of finding your way, is by stopping and asking someone along the way.......nothing electronic....not even a map.......your driver simply stops and asks his way.

Day 1 -

My day began at 3:30am when my alarm awakened me in Chennai, India.........the driver had been instructed to meet me at the hotel at 4:30am to transport me to the Chennai airport for a 6:00am flight to Bangalore.

The Bus Man

After arriving in Bangalore, I retrieved my luggage and proceeded outside.......drivers dressed in white lined the railing, holding signs with names of other arriving passengers........I scanned the signs, but could not find one with my name....the driver that had been arranged for me was nowhere in sight.......I dialed the number that had been sent to me, and the dialog started with a driver with less than the required command of English that we had requested.......After several phone calls, we finally identified each other and my journey began.

A "Double"

My driver, Srinivas, was to accompany me during my entire journey........and after a rather "rough" start, together we battled our way through the morning traffic of was then that I realized that what was to be a "3 hour journey" would not be possible......I confirmed with him that he was familiar with getting to first destination......and as usual, I received a very confident "Yes sir. Yes sir"

The Rickshaw Man

Needless to say, after 4.5 years living in India.........I am used to things not going as planned and I am also familiar with the practice of drivers stopping to ask for directions, but, even though we stopped several times along the way, nothing was out of the ordinary about the journey, and I did not pay much attention.......and 5 hours after leaving the airport I arrived in Yercaud.

The Hotel Man

My meeting was at a lovely hotel named Lake Forest .......a beautiful hill station hotel surrounded by a working coffee and pepper plantation....simply beautiful. More on this location later.....but my meeting went very well.

By 5:00pm, the meeting had concluded and after the customary "goodbye's", I settled into the front seat of the car for what was to be a 6 hour journey by road to a city called Swamimalai.

The Bus Stop

Srinivas dutifully took directions from the Lake Forest Hotel Staff, however, within 15 minutes of leaving, Srinivas stopped and asked directions.....after several subsequent stops I noticed a pattern emerging.......every 15 minutes, like clock work he would stop and ask directions......It was then that I began timing his stops and began keeping the time we reached Swamimalai, Srinivas had stopped to ask directions 43 times.

Yes, FORTY THREE!!!!!!!!!

It was actually comical........what would have been very irritating to some of you became very entertaining for me....what would have caused some of you to lose your patience, had become a game of predicting what would happen next.....the hand gestures and the passion in the language was fascinating to me but may have been aggravating to many........I have been blessed with a sense of humor and with patience.......two qualities that have served me well while living in India.

The Motorcycle Man - I
  Throughout this leg of my journey, I was communicating the experience to my wife in the United States via email......."It happened again.......# 24"......etc........and she would reply........with an occasional message offering her sympathies.......but I was smiling and laughing inside.

I was also keeping in touch with my staff.........who were concerned about me being on the road at such a late hour........but I was reassuring them that all was "good"......

Motorcycle Man - II

We reached Swamimalai at 11:30pm........6.5 hours after leaving Yercaud.
After a welcoming foot massage, and a great meal, I headed to my room for a good nights sleep.......remember my journey had started that morning at 3:30 am and it didn't end until 1:00am.......22 hours.....11 of which were spent with Srinivas in the car.......I was very tired.

It was a very long day.......and my journey had just reached the halfway mark.......Srinivas and I had one more day and two more cities together.......and after the fun I had on day one, I couldn't wait for the second leg of the trip to begin the next day!

Day 2

After sleeping like a rock, I awakened the next morning at 6:00am at my hotel in Swamimalai, had some amazing food and that wonderful South Indian filtered coffee......toured the hotel and by 8:30am......Srinivas and I were off again on our road journey to Mahabilipuram.......after my previous days experience, I knew I was going to keep count on this journey as well.........

The Scooter Dude and his Wife

The staff at the hotel gave him directions........"out of the hotels drive, take a right, etc.......needless to say,  10 minutes into the journey, he instinctively felt that something was he stopped and asked directions and realized that he made a wrong turn......we were in the middle of a small village and he had to turn around and make his way back to the main road......

Rickshaw Man II

Three more stops for directions and we were on our way.......the fun had began again and in addition to counting I decided that I would begin taking pictures of those people he stopped to ask along the way..............unfortunately, this idea did not pop into my head until he had already asked 5 people........The pictures scattered throughout the blog are the photographs of the Indian G.P.S in action.......

The Coconut Water Man
By the time we had reached Mahabalipuram, he had stopped and asked directions 18 times from 17 different people. The motorcycle driver in the pictures below helped us twice!
The Toll Taker Man

I wish I would have asked them their names........they were all very helpful........good sports as I snapped their photographs.......I wonder how many names actually started with G, P or S?

The Tailor

Another observation is that Srinivas never asked a woman for directions....only men.......I am not sure why!

I hope that you found this to be an interesting, insightful,educational and informative story.......and what some of you have experienced, and for those of you planning a trip to India what you might expect if your visit will involve a journey by car.......India is certainly never boring! And you can play your own version of INDIA GPS.

Since I have originated the game, the current record stands at 4 cities, 770 km and 61 stops

On future trips I will be more diligent in my photo documentary and I will get photographs and names from all who help......from the very beginning.

Enjoy playing!