Sunday, February 28, 2010

Holi - Festival of Colors - The "Eve".......Preparing for the fun!

Its springtime in India......and time once again for the masses to prepare for the annual event known as Holi.........the "Festival of Colors".

Holi Colors - Preston's Ammunition

Preston has been looking forward to this for sometime........well, perhaps since his inaugural participation last year.....

Holi Colors by the Kilogram

This year he has "experience"...which means he is no longer an amateur.....he gets to show some of his new friends how to celebrate.....but he was also busy in preparing for the event.........unlike last year.

Color Vendor

The first year is always the most memorable........met with the anxiety of not knowing what to expect.....and the anticipation.....

Buying more Ammo

The second year is met with more strategy.....planning.....and of course the confidence of "knowing the ropes".

Sampling the Wares

But Holi has a way of sneaking up on you.....


Take a look at what happened to Preston......while preparing for Holi 2010...his second "Festival of Colors"!

Color my World

Tomorrow........just wait and see......

Preview of how he will look at the end of tomorrow

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