Sunday, February 22, 2009

"Down Under" Fun in Delhi

G'day Mates! If you haven't figured things out as of yet, Linda is certainly in charge of our "social" calender.

Mid week, Linda gave me a choice of attending a function at the school called "Night Under the Stars" or affectionately known as "NUTS".....a function to raise money for the school. Held on the soccer field, attendees have to dress in traditional Indian clothing, ladies in sari's and men in the traditional clothing men wear......we both decided that we simply did not have the time to properly prepare. Parker, I haven't bought that nice Indian outfit that I told you I was going to buy......but it is only a matter of time!

The second choice was to attend a function that started in the afternoon, hosted by The Australian/New Zealand Business Association...a Food and Wine Festival held on the grounds of the Australian High Commission.

Most of the friends we have met have been through the school, but Linda has also met some friends from the Delhi Network meetings that do not have children at the American Embassy School. One such couple, Kelly and Jim, are also here on their first overseas assignment.....and they moved to India from Montgomery, Alabama of all places.

The afternoon was beautiful, the grounds were immaculate, the food was awesome.......and the wine.....magnificent, especially compared to the wines made in India!

Jim and I enjoyed many glasses of wine while discussing our jobs, India, fishing and a host of other such things guys talk about.

Linda and Kelly sipped wine and beer.....and seemed to enjoy the food and chatting about girl stuff.

Oh......I almost forgot about the food.....Grilled Lamb Chops, Grilled Prawns, Grilled Beef Tenderloin Burgers, Grilled Chicken Sausage with Cajun Seasoning.......not sure how that was Aussie in any case, was delicious...a huge selection of salads....and deserts....all very yummy!

When I stepped on the grounds of the Australian High Commission, I thought of my very good friend Robert Hosking, whom I met while working in Houston.....Robert, if you ever read this blog.....this entry is dedicated to the way, the beer was fantastic! There is a new microbrewery that opened in Melbourne and they flew in several cases of their beer for this event. It was probably the most expensive beer of its kind......called Cricketer Arms Lager. Here is the link to their website:

Robert you would have had a ball.......not quite as fun as an Ice House in Texas.......but still great fun!

Here are some photos of the event and one of a beautiful little Australian girl in a colorful hat who sat at our table.


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