That's right......a secret......to soon be shared with the world. Well, I will share the announcement when appropriate on this blog site, which is certainly "open" to the world to see, but not as far reaching as the other media channels. Keep your eyes and ears open everyone......there was a huge amount of hard work that went into securing the brand for the hotel.....a true team effort.
This is exciting.....very similar to the unveiling of a new work of art.....hidden to those who have been anticipating the artist to reveal his/her work......but before the draping is removed, let me tell you a little about it.
The hotel is located in a great location in Jaipur and is perfectly positioned to serve both the business traveler and the many tourists that visit the city.....I have shared with you that Jaipur is Linda's favorite city so far (although it is the only one she has visited outside of Delhi).
Nevertheless, the "Pink City" is a very special place and this hotel is special in it's own way. Here are the "stats"!
Brand: International....one of the most recognized names in the World.....and certainly in India.
Number of Rooms: 115 very well appointed rooms (see photographs)
Restaurants: One restaurant with beautiful views of the Aravali mountains.....that will soon become a favorite "Eatery" in the city as well as a "Deli".....serving those who are on the go, or who will want to have a
picnic lunch to carry with them as the tour the city. How fun does that sound...I want one!
Health Club and Pool:these are both located on the 4th Floor of the hotel and have the same great views that the restaurant does.
Banquets/Ballroom: very beautiful....again with those gorgeous views.
The hotel has a
boutique feel to it.....very intimate lobby which which will help us create the warmth that a guest expects when they arrive.....the designers have been asked to create a "Family Room" atmosphere on the 3rd floor...just outside of the restaurant; a place for guests to sit next the fireplace to read a book...gather with friends after a fun filled day of exploring the city....walk a few steps to the "Bar" for a refreshing
Mocktail or favorite adult beverage of their choice....cozy, warm, relaxed, comfortable...and served by a staff that will be just as friendly and hospitable as I have found everyone to be here in India.
There is no doubt in my mind that the
"Blank" "Blank" by "Blank" Jaipur will be a huge success.
The anticipated opening date of the hotel is July 1st......a soft opening.....staff will need to be in place at the beginning of June.....yes.....less than a month away.....we will start training. Things will be extremely busy for me and I will find myself spending a huge amount of time in Jaipur in the next few months.
The great thing is my team is ready....the excitement is building.....the first of several hotels is here for them to wrap their arms around....and embrace as "theirs".
Stay tuned.......when all of the paperwork is complete....I will unveil the name......and proudly announce the property.
For those of you following the blog and have been wondering about the property in Visahakapatnam (Vizag)......it appears that the two hotels will be opening back to back......I will update everyone and take some new pictures on my next visit.
In the meantime.....if there are any interested readers looking for a career.....send your comments.